Hudson Celebrates Fundraising Milestone
Giving is often at the forefront of a customer’s mind, and Hudson's fundraising program allows travelers to feel like heroes during an ordinary moment. But equally important and integrated with this good feeling is knowing that the customers understand and feel passionate about the Company’s charities of choice. Education has constantly proven to be among one of the top five cause areas for Americans. Hudson embarked on a journey with Communities in Schools in 2012 to make a lasting difference in the life of a child and, helping end the dropout crisis.

Communities in Schools (CIS) is the largest national organization dedicated to empowering at-risk students to stay in school and on a path to a brighter future. In the U.S., approximately one in five children under the age of 18 live in poverty, shouldering more than they should have to. Communities in Schools works directly inside schools, building relationships that empower students to succeed inside and outside the classroom.
Since the inception of the partnership, Hudson and its customers have helped raise and donate more $3.3 million dollars. However, the culmination of the team’s efforts and a reflection of the growth of the donation journey came in 2018 when a record donation of more than one million dollars for CIS was achieved.
As a result, Hudson was recognized nationally as a 2019 Charity Checkout Champion by Engage for Good, a leading organization focused on cause marketing. Engage for Good’s biannual industry survey examines only the best-of-the-best million-dollar-plus campaigns tapping consumer generosity to raise money for good causes at Point of Sale. Hudson is noted amongst the top 79 U.S. retailers focused on giving – and is the only travel retailer noted in the report.

These achievements would not be possible without the dedication of the team, and the compassion of our customers. Hudson’s corporate social responsibility efforts are part of the Company’s fabric will continue to be as Hudson grows and revolutionizes the travel retail industry.